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How is Genetic Fallacy "fallacious"?

  • ​The genetic fallacy either accepts or rejects an idea based on its source, rather than its merit.

-Even from bad things, good things may come. Likewise good sources can sometimes produce bad results.

-We shouldn't reject an idea just because of where it comes from (like an argument influenced by emotions does.)

-It is no better than rejecting an idea completely because of the unreliability of its source.


  • Genetic Fallacy doesn't violate the formal rules of deductive logic.​
  • Genetic Fallacy explains its fallaciousness by claiming that ‘how an idea originated is irrelevant to its viability.’ If this were right, it would seem equally fallacious to try to prove a conclusion true by praising its source.​
  • Genetic fallacy is usually seen as being influenced by the forms of reasoning as "ad hominem", "ad misericordiam" and "ad populum reasoning". These reasoning's are seen as fallacious because the identity of the individual who makes a statement, has a belief about the argument, and what the origin-based reasoning brings to the argument is generally irrelevant.​
  • Attempting to evaluate a belief based on its origin, is over-simplistic.




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